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The Forty Thieves

Organization 3089


Name The Forty Thieves
Faction Neutral
Government Republic
Leader Cardtrick-1
Members 6
Highest Level 25
Lowest Level 6
Average Level 15
Description "Honor among thieves." We are a band of cutthroats who have forsaken both the dogmas of Omni-tek and the Clans. We make our own rules, and answer only to the cries of our chosen bretheren.
Objective To gather our own towers and to prove that there is loyalty found in places other than the insipid creeds that govern those that fight under Omni-tek or the Clans.
History We were forged in the temper of the Shadowlands, we know it's secrets and its dangers are interwoven into our destiny. The Shadowlands are our only past, our only home and our uncertain future.


  Solitus 33,33 % 2
  Opifex 16,67 % 1
  Atrox 50,00 % 3


  Male 50,00 % 3
  Neuter 50,00 % 3


  Agent 16,67 % 1
  Fixer 16,67 % 1
  Keeper 50,00 % 3
  Shade 16,67 % 1


President 16,67 % 1
Advisor 0,00 % 0
Veteran 0,00 % 0
Member 0,00 % 0
Applicant 83,33 % 5



Tower Sites

Name Zone Level
No tower sites found

Member List