Name | Order of Corporate Templars |
Faction | Omni |
Government | Department |
Leader | Etrigan |
Members | 295 |
Highest Level | 210 |
Lowest Level | 8 |
Average Level | 73 |
Description | We answer the call of Duty, we ask for nothing, we overcome, we never surrender! |
Objective | To defend the corporation, no matter the cost. |
History |
Solitus | 36,61 % 108 |
Opifex | 25,08 % 74 |
Nanomage | 22,03 % 65 |
Atrox | 16,27 % 48 |
Male | 57,63 % 170 |
Female | 26,10 % 77 |
Neuter | 16,27 % 48 |
Adventurer | 8,47 % 25 |
Agent | 5,76 % 17 |
Bureaucrat | 5,76 % 17 |
Doctor | 8,81 % 26 |
Enforcer | 8,81 % 26 |
Engineer | 7,80 % 23 |
Fixer | 5,08 % 15 |
Keeper | 8,14 % 24 |
Martial Artist | 14,24 % 42 |
Meta-Physicist | 6,78 % 20 |
Nano-Technician | 5,76 % 17 |
Shade | 4,07 % 12 |
Soldier | 5,42 % 16 |
Trader | 5,08 % 15 |
President | 0,34 % 1 |
General | 0,00 % 0 |
Squad Commander | 0,00 % 0 |
Unit Commander | 0,00 % 0 |
Unit Leader | 0,00 % 0 |
Unit Member | 0,00 % 0 |
Applicant | 99,66 % 294 |
Name | Zone | Level |
No tower sites found |
# | Nickname | Rank | Level |
1 | Etrigan | President | 191 |
2 | Abbadon7-1 | Applicant | 23 |
3 | Abeauty | Applicant | 177 |
4 | Aetherstor-1 | Applicant | 61 |
5 | Aggelos-1 | Applicant | 200 |
6 | Aixek | Applicant | 15 |
7 | Amuady | Applicant | 74 |
8 | Aoooooo | Applicant | 155 |
9 | Arbosi | Applicant | 53 |
10 | Arrioch-1 | Applicant | 46 |
11 | Atxy-1 | Applicant | 132 |
12 | Augyr | Applicant | 23 |
13 | Ayanye | Applicant | 65 |
14 | Ayriss-1 | Applicant | 79 |
15 | Baeowulfe | Applicant | 83 |
16 | Bandit5 | Applicant | 52 |
17 | Barashkukor | Applicant | 10 |
18 | Baskt | Applicant | 38 |
19 | Beamerless | Applicant | 41 |
20 | Bellare | Applicant | 17 |
21 | Blazestrea-1 | Applicant | 141 |
22 | Bloodduster | Applicant | 93 |
23 | Boceafus | Applicant | 43 |
24 | Braknstuff-1 | Applicant | 58 |
25 | Bronzeknig-1 | Applicant | 59 |
26 | Budha2099-1 | Applicant | 92 |
27 | Carceden | Applicant | 124 |
28 | Cauric | Applicant | 67 |
29 | Ceallac | Applicant | 36 |
30 | Cellinit-1 | Applicant | 67 |
31 | Cerryl-1 | Applicant | 92 |
32 | Chibuku | Applicant | 34 |
33 | Chibukushake | Applicant | 18 |
34 | Climant | Applicant | 36 |
35 | Clinsted | Applicant | 14 |
36 | Coleymun-1 | Applicant | 121 |
37 | Covanant | Applicant | 60 |
38 | Cryptbait | Applicant | 44 |
39 | Cync | Applicant | 48 |
40 | Dadas | Applicant | 50 |
41 | Darkensurfer | Applicant | 56 |
42 | Darkmatter-1 | Applicant | 66 |
43 | Darkmysteri | Applicant | 77 |
44 | Darkseraph | Applicant | 85 |
45 | Darrelon | Applicant | 162 |
46 | Deathbeckons | Applicant | 22 |
47 | Degore-1 | Applicant | 69 |
48 | Demonseeker | Applicant | 23 |
49 | Dentora | Applicant | 9 |
50 | Despot-1 | Applicant | 23 |
51 | Deuldi | Applicant | 82 |
52 | Deuspugnus-1 | Applicant | 16 |
53 | Dharmin | Applicant | 56 |
54 | Dijou | Applicant | 47 |
55 | Docsmyth | Applicant | 42 |
56 | Doggod | Applicant | 151 |
57 | Dukeofnukem | Applicant | 93 |
58 | Eagleby | Applicant | 32 |
59 | Eases | Applicant | 92 |
60 | Eggface-1 | Applicant | 46 |
61 | Egghurt-1 | Applicant | 123 |
62 | Elricx | Applicant | 82 |
63 | Elricxi-1 | Applicant | 51 |
64 | Emmaleth | Applicant | 45 |
65 | Endria | Applicant | 75 |
66 | Endrion-1 | Applicant | 82 |
67 | Etriganx-1 | Applicant | 19 |
68 | Evebloom | Applicant | 166 |
69 | Evilskull | Applicant | 77 |
70 | Exavis | Applicant | 42 |
71 | Exploitaco-1 | Applicant | 86 |
72 | Faustangel-1 | Applicant | 40 |
73 | Feldari-1 | Applicant | 42 |
74 | Ffoxxecub | Applicant | 47 |
75 | Flyhard | Applicant | 140 |
76 | Fofx | Applicant | 50 |
77 | Fossergrim | Applicant | 22 |
78 | Fragdoll | Applicant | 133 |
79 | Freakkee | Applicant | 139 |
80 | Freecss | Applicant | 162 |
81 | Freequesne-1 | Applicant | 131 |
82 | Freggo | Applicant | 34 |
83 | Funkenstien | Applicant | 14 |
84 | Furrybunny | Applicant | 94 |
85 | Gambin0 | Applicant | 203 |
86 | Gauth | Applicant | 109 |
87 | Geandily | Applicant | 96 |
88 | Giatrospsi | Applicant | 85 |
89 | Gingever-1 | Applicant | 28 |
90 | Gingleyr-1 | Applicant | 119 |
91 | Gkid | Applicant | 69 |
92 | Gohsu | Applicant | 37 |
93 | Hakn-1 | Applicant | 58 |
94 | Helelios | Applicant | 20 |
95 | Helicus-1 | Applicant | 154 |
96 | Hellrazir-1 | Applicant | 60 |
97 | Hiiiya-1 | Applicant | 122 |
98 | Hykoshi | Applicant | 59 |
99 | Hyypdon-1 | Applicant | 9 |
100 | Ifoundahea-1 | Applicant | 17 |
101 | Illhealu | Applicant | 73 |
102 | Ilostmyhea-1 | Applicant | 89 |
103 | Investicon-1 | Applicant | 28 |
104 | Irkanois-1 | Applicant | 107 |
105 | Ishotlkill-1 | Applicant | 81 |
106 | Isockwell-1 | Applicant | 78 |
107 | Ixitxachitl | Applicant | 101 |
108 | Jaegerr-1 | Applicant | 29 |
109 | Jekkes | Applicant | 113 |
110 | Karmaedus-1 | Applicant | 31 |
111 | Kazlekkian | Applicant | 204 |
112 | Khaat-1 | Applicant | 63 |
113 | Khushrenad-1 | Applicant | 67 |
114 | Killerrabb-1 | Applicant | 115 |
115 | Kinttan-1 | Applicant | 34 |
116 | Kjordic-1 | Applicant | 76 |
117 | Klem-1 | Applicant | 42 |
118 | Knucklez | Applicant | 166 |
119 | Koaunabo | Applicant | 26 |
120 | Konoto-1 | Applicant | 82 |
121 | Korrigar-1 | Applicant | 66 |
122 | Kotto-1 | Applicant | 53 |
123 | Kotya-1 | Applicant | 168 |
124 | Kwialo | Applicant | 11 |
125 | Kyriad | Applicant | 68 |
126 | Laserbones-1 | Applicant | 60 |
127 | Lassitter | Applicant | 107 |
128 | Latintek-1 | Applicant | 158 |
129 | Leythe | Applicant | 35 |
130 | Lildem | Applicant | 36 |
131 | Littlefaerie | Applicant | 49 |
132 | Luari | Applicant | 42 |
133 | Lutharmo-1 | Applicant | 123 |
134 | Lyandra | Applicant | 56 |
135 | Maaz | Applicant | 70 |
136 | Machetera-1 | Applicant | 26 |
137 | Majinmunke-1 | Applicant | 32 |
138 | Maknick | Applicant | 99 |
139 | Males | Applicant | 42 |
140 | Marru-1 | Applicant | 51 |
141 | Mascal-1 | Applicant | 194 |
142 | Mayhempets | Applicant | 23 |
143 | Meckee | Applicant | 12 |
144 | Mireia-1 | Applicant | 106 |
145 | Missjade | Applicant | 61 |
146 | Montan | Applicant | 24 |
147 | Moorhawk | Applicant | 10 |
148 | Morhawke-1 | Applicant | 26 |
149 | Morigu | Applicant | 130 |
150 | Mynrial | Applicant | 60 |
151 | Mythkiller-1 | Applicant | 18 |
152 | Nacah-1 | Applicant | 55 |
153 | Naudeon | Applicant | 97 |
154 | Nause-1 | Applicant | 41 |
155 | Ningina-1 | Applicant | 60 |
156 | Numbatenox | Applicant | 64 |
157 | Obiwaan | Applicant | 102 |
158 | Octaviar | Applicant | 97 |
159 | Oldacrat | Applicant | 77 |
160 | Oricar | Applicant | 144 |
161 | Orpheuss-1 | Applicant | 9 |
162 | Oshi-1 | Applicant | 134 |
163 | Oshikia-1 | Applicant | 26 |
164 | Pacifistpsi | Applicant | 130 |
165 | Perplexia | Applicant | 168 |
166 | Perpsfurball | Applicant | 37 |
167 | Perrysyte | Applicant | 80 |
168 | Pickme1-1 | Applicant | 30 |
169 | Picrat-1 | Applicant | 44 |
170 | Pinastina | Applicant | 10 |
171 | Pinkiee-1 | Applicant | 56 |
172 | Pirtierra-1 | Applicant | 17 |
173 | Poseidon036 | Applicant | 109 |
174 | Poseidra-1 | Applicant | 133 |
175 | Posessed | Applicant | 26 |
176 | Powerdrain-1 | Applicant | 38 |
177 | Primibot-1 | Applicant | 44 |
178 | Prok-1 | Applicant | 106 |
179 | Proph-1 | Applicant | 87 |
180 | Psicharm | Applicant | 183 |
181 | Psigma | Applicant | 101 |
182 | Psinuke | Applicant | 83 |
183 | Psixakias | Applicant | 181 |
184 | Purae | Applicant | 28 |
185 | Qitty | Applicant | 63 |
186 | R11047679907 | Applicant | 52 |
187 | R11052834526 | Applicant | 47 |
188 | R11104742954 | Applicant | 104 |
189 | R11114412287 | Applicant | 51 |
190 | R11124838610 | Applicant | 93 |
191 | R11131401563 | Applicant | 83 |
192 | R11138383267 | Applicant | 26 |
193 | R11144438761 | Applicant | 89 |
194 | R11149729818 | Applicant | 100 |
195 | R11191643232 | Applicant | 171 |
196 | R11200380037 | Applicant | 53 |
197 | R11205762602 | Applicant | 12 |
198 | R11205763193 | Applicant | 109 |
199 | R11213813410 | Applicant | 37 |
200 | R11220952247 | Applicant | 17 |
201 | R11229586308 | Applicant | 73 |
202 | R11229586790 | Applicant | 71 |
203 | R11242034012 | Applicant | 22 |
204 | R11266578976 | Applicant | 30 |
205 | R1187317551 | Applicant | 210 |
206 | R1261920841 | Applicant | 82 |
207 | R1552288298 | Applicant | 59 |
208 | R162247979 | Applicant | 146 |
209 | R1765476874 | Applicant | 56 |
210 | R1768337511 | Applicant | 13 |
211 | R1826514331 | Applicant | 9 |
212 | R1861191547 | Applicant | 86 |
213 | Rabidfire-1 | Applicant | 142 |
214 | Rainingfis-1 | Applicant | 103 |
215 | Raissstlin | Applicant | 48 |
216 | Razitshakra | Applicant | 24 |
217 | Recomp-1 | Applicant | 76 |
218 | Redwood-1 | Applicant | 28 |
219 | Reticle | Applicant | 145 |
220 | Roguepsi | Applicant | 44 |
221 | Rooswook-1 | Applicant | 38 |
222 | Rowanmayfair | Applicant | 152 |
223 | Rovar-1 | Applicant | 115 |
224 | Rubixcube | Applicant | 87 |
225 | Rubymaker-1 | Applicant | 8 |
226 | Saelle | Applicant | 48 |
227 | Salacia | Applicant | 103 |
228 | Samarijack-1 | Applicant | 61 |
229 | Sandslug | Applicant | 34 |
230 | Saphae-1 | Applicant | 54 |
231 | Saphirea-1 | Applicant | 44 |
232 | Scorpionze-1 | Applicant | 12 |
233 | Screwylouis | Applicant | 137 |
234 | Sefero | Applicant | 51 |
235 | Selamas | Applicant | 78 |
236 | Serindipity | Applicant | 74 |
237 | Serrinity | Applicant | 54 |
238 | Shadowgian-1 | Applicant | 56 |
239 | Shadyrebel | Applicant | 47 |
240 | Shanoke | Applicant | 34 |
241 | Sircromus-1 | Applicant | 60 |
242 | Skylighter-1 | Applicant | 34 |
243 | Slek-1 | Applicant | 121 |
244 | Slekk-1 | Applicant | 36 |
245 | Solblazer-1 | Applicant | 46 |
246 | Solrage-1 | Applicant | 19 |
247 | Spiddey-1 | Applicant | 49 |
248 | Staklar | Applicant | 8 |
249 | Stealthtek-1 | Applicant | 67 |
250 | Stonewaller | Applicant | 70 |
251 | Stormtek-1 | Applicant | 44 |
252 | Suchan-1 | Applicant | 110 |
253 | Sukku-1 | Applicant | 120 |
254 | Supz-1 | Applicant | 81 |
255 | Taarnac | Applicant | 101 |
256 | Tacocat-1 | Applicant | 35 |
257 | Taggy | Applicant | 30 |
258 | Tarukiller-1 | Applicant | 104 |
259 | Tavmir-1 | Applicant | 150 |
260 | Techbat | Applicant | 157 |
261 | Tenchu78-1 | Applicant | 29 |
262 | Teslar | Applicant | 176 |
263 | Thebloodke-1 | Applicant | 55 |
264 | Tizz | Applicant | 158 |
265 | Toddis | Applicant | 32 |
266 | Toing-1 | Applicant | 40 |
267 | Tonsonni-1 | Applicant | 60 |
268 | Torment99 | Applicant | 80 |
269 | Traghear | Applicant | 143 |
270 | Triscut | Applicant | 120 |
271 | Tthoyt-1 | Applicant | 87 |
272 | Uelena-1 | Applicant | 20 |
273 | Urhosed-1 | Applicant | 42 |
274 | Valis3-1 | Applicant | 80 |
275 | Vashile | Applicant | 43 |
276 | Watchstop-1 | Applicant | 62 |
277 | Weepnwillow | Applicant | 18 |
278 | Venekar | Applicant | 143 |
279 | Verritas | Applicant | 91 |
280 | Wildsurfer-1 | Applicant | 59 |
281 | Wildtek-1 | Applicant | 41 |
282 | Vileborn | Applicant | 52 |
283 | Winchestor | Applicant | 138 |
284 | Vinoe-1 | Applicant | 99 |
285 | Vivianna-1 | Applicant | 16 |
286 | Vladiator | Applicant | 58 |
287 | Wondering | Applicant | 133 |
288 | Wooki-1 | Applicant | 57 |
289 | Wushuguru | Applicant | 107 |
290 | Xiphian | Applicant | 38 |
291 | Xorprime | Applicant | 104 |
292 | Yarsha-1 | Applicant | 27 |
293 | Zano-1 | Applicant | 163 |
294 | Zefa | Applicant | 63 |
295 | Zeroedge-1 | Applicant | 100 |