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Archangels of Death

Organization 8239


Name Archangels of Death
Faction Clan
Government Department
Leader Tichinde-1
Members 29
Highest Level 88
Lowest Level 8
Average Level 30
Description We are a group intent on the destruction of Omni-Tek. We fear no evil, even as we walk through the Shadow of Death, for we shall bring forth the wrath of heaven and hell down down upon our enemies.
Objective To help those in need and to free the world of tryanny.
History We are friends who've decided to band together in our fight against Omni-Tek and we shall swoop down upon our enemies like the Angel of Death.


  Solitus 51,72 % 15
  Opifex 17,24 % 5
  Nanomage 17,24 % 5
  Atrox 13,79 % 4


  Male 68,97 % 20
  Female 17,24 % 5
  Neuter 13,79 % 4


  Adventurer 10,34 % 3
  Agent 6,90 % 2
  Doctor 10,34 % 3
  Enforcer 3,45 % 1
  Engineer 3,45 % 1
  Fixer 3,45 % 1
  Martial Artist 17,24 % 5
  Meta-Physicist 6,90 % 2
  Nano-Technician 6,90 % 2
  Soldier 31,03 % 9


President 3,45 % 1
General 0,00 % 0
Squad Commander 0,00 % 0
Unit Commander 0,00 % 0
Unit Leader 0,00 % 0
Unit Member 0,00 % 0
Applicant 96,55 % 28



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